When it comes to the success rate of IVF treatment, the cause of infertility, the woman's age and ovarian reserve immediately come to mind, but the patient's lifestyle is also among the factors to be considered.
Many studies have shown that pregnancy rates in women who smoke are significantly lower. An extensive study conducted in the Netherlands revealed that the rate of live baby in IVF (in vitro fertilisation) patients was significantly lower in the smoking group when compared with that of non-smokers. The rate of miscarriage is significantly higher in the smoking group. Studies have shown that the live birth rate is 46% lower in the smoking group. The rate of miscarriage in smokers is 3 times higher than non-smokers. The egg is found in fluid sacs called follicles. It has been observed that cigarette metabolites called nicotine and cotinine accumulate in the follicles in smoking patients. It has been shown that implantation (implantation of the baby) rates are 52% lower in patients with high cotinine levels. Cotinine also reduces the number of eggs collected.
In women who smoke 10 or more cigarettes a day (heavy smokers), the receptivity of the uterine wall is also reduced. Even if the egg is obtained from a donor, pregnancy rates are reduced due to the reduced receptivity of the uterine wall. Smoking is also toxic for the sperm. Women whose husbands smoke are about 50% less likely to bring home a live baby.
These effects usually subside 3-6 months after quitting smoking.
Women and men who consume 4 or more glasses of alcohol per week are 21% less likely to bring home a live baby. Numerous studies suggest a decrease in the number of eggs collected and an increase in miscarriage rates.
Although the results of studies on caffeine consumption are not very clear, excessive caffeine consumption is not recommended.
Although a significant link between exercise and IVF success rates has not been established, moderate exercise is believed to break insulin resistance, increasing success rates. In addition to this, involving in high intensity exercise immediately after IVF treatment is not recommended.
Bisphenol A (BPA):
BPA is a type of synthetic oestrogen found in plastic bottles and tin cans. In patients with BPA in the body, a 12% decrease in the number of eggs collected and structural changes in eggs were observed.
Smoking, moderate alcohol consumption, moderate caffeine consumption and BPA exposure are associated with reduced IVF success rates.