• c_cenksoy@hotmail.com
  • Türkçe İngilizce Rusça Germany Arapça

NGS is both the most comprehensive and the newest chromosome diagnosis method. It is one of the PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) methods in IVF treatments. This means that after the embryo is created, sample cells are taken to evaluate the genetic structure of the embryo to be transferred. In this way, chromosome disorders in the embryo can be understood. With NGS, 24 chromosomes can be completely scanned. It is far superior to the genetic diagnostic tests that preceded it. It can detect even small DNA damages called translocations.

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To whom should NGS be applied?

We can apply NGS to all our patients who prefer this method while undergoing IVF treatment in Cyprus. NGS screening is generally preferred in cases of recurrent IVF failures, recurrent miscarriages, severe male factor (severe problems in sperm quality and count), consanguineous marriages, history of unidentified familial inherited anomaly, and advanced age of the expectant mother. Even in the absence of such conditions, the family's request to transfer the healthiest embryo will be sufficient.


Are there any disadvantages of NGS?

In the NGS method, biopsies (cell samples) are taken from the cells in the trophoectoderm (outer layer) layer of the embryo. After this sampling, the cells are sent to the genetic laboratory. This sampling is performed 5 days after the ICSI (fertilisation) procedure. After the sample cells have been taken, the embryos have to be numbered and frozen.

NGS is a costly and time-consuming procedure. The embryos cannot be transferred in the same cycle as the fertilisation. We will know which embryos are healthy in approximately 13-21 days.


What happens when we receive the NGS results?

After the results of the NGS procedure are received, the uterine wall of the expectant mother is prepared again for transfer. The healthy embryos are dissolved and transferred into the uterus.